
Success Stories

Environmental management in recycling

During 2022 MIMAsoft started a pilot together with Gira, an Ecuadorian company of Corporación Favorita, with the aim of optimizing its environmental management. We work around the automation of carbon footprint calculation and indicators of regulatory compliance and activities derived from its B Certification. Currently the service is in the process of expanding to new facilities.

Carbon footprint indicators of 6 production processes representative of the Gira recycling process

1 year of data managed

Monitoring compliance with the committed Environmental Management Plan

Facilitation of monitoring and preparation of certification B

4 implemented modules: Impacts, Processes, Regulatory Compliance and System B Compliance.

Productive processes evaluated

Implemented modules

Matrices of sustainability commitments managed

Air quality mining operations

Since 2020 and to date, MIMAire provides air quality and meteorology forecasts for Angloamerican’s Chagres Smelter operations. The forecasts come from three simultaneous models and project up to 72 hours.

Customized dashboards for operators and environmental managers

Map with pollutant dispersión

Alerts with forecasted events for each day.

3 main views: extended forecast for critical stations, synoptic information and forecast detail by model.

Weather and air quality stations

Forecasting models

Hours in advance in forecasting

ENEL logo

Enel Chile

MIMAsoft has been implemented in 23 renewable non-conventional energy plants, in Chile and Peru, under Solar, photovoltaic, wind, and hydroelectric technologies.

We are currently working on new customized developments for corporate sustainability

Development and design of the integrated environmental management model

Integration with local information tools

Customized dashboard and reports

7 modules have been implemented: Reports, Compliances, Communities, Impacts, Processes, Circularity and Trainings.

Support during the process of verification and certification

Corporate carbon footprint measurement

1° Prize: Place Hall of Energies – Enel Group Italy 2017

2° Prize:: Place National natural environment prize , Recyclápolis Chile 2017







Initiatives were taken with the following impact:

  • Reduction of environmental impact 20% 20%
  • Carbon footprint reduction 47% 47%

non-conventional renewable energies plants


reduction in labor hours

active users

Casaideas logo

Cerro Prieto Group

Since 2021 MIMAsoft has optimized the environmental management of the Cerro Prieto Group, through the automation of the calculation of environmental footprints, waste declarations and regulatory compliance indicators in all Cerro Prieto’s production facilities in Peru and Colombia.

ERP integration for automatic data collection

Up to 7 production processes evaluated per plant

4 years of data managed

5 implemented modules: Impacts, Processes, Waste, Compliance, Contingencies

2 environmental footprint quantification methodologies: Carbon and Water

Production processes

Implemented modules

Environmental quantification methodologies

ENEL logo

Subsole Management System

Since 2020 MIMAsoft has been the sustainability tool for all Subsole plants. The service enhanced an environmental management system for all the company’s facilities, which reflects the particularities of each facility.

Systematization of environmental information for all plants. Inclusion of suppliers in the information gathering process

Design of sustainability indicators. Automatic generation on the platform

Simplification of the waste declaration process before the environmental authority

Tool for communication with stakeholders

4 implemented modules: Waste, Compliance, Reporting and Communities.

Managed plants in 3 regions of Chile

Evaluated types of products

Implemented modules

Interregional monitoring network for the Chilean Ministry of Environment

MIMAcústico has been enabled to facilitate access and interpretation of data collected in a continuous monitoring of noise levels in 3 main regions of  Chile.

Interregional monitoring network: Valparaíso, Metropolitana and Bío-Bío

Integration with monitoring tools

Customized reports & dashboards

Personalized Alerts





Monitoring Stations


pH data collected

Casaideas logo


In 2020, MIMAsoft optimizes the implementation and execution of CASAIDEAS’s sustainability strategy on more than 70 stores and offices, in 3 southamerican countries.

Corporative carbon footprint measurement

Customized reports and indicators

4 implemented modules: Impacts, Processes, Compliance and Reports

3 countries: Chile, Peru and Colombia





Evaluated prints

Productive processes

Implemented Modules


Codelco – Gabriela Mistral

In 2019, MIMAsoft was used to perform a Life Cycle Assessment of the production process of Codelco’s Gabriela Mistral division within the framework of its ‘responsible copper’ initiative.

Interactive consultation to environmental indicators

9 production processes were analyzed

2 years of managed data

3 modules were implemented: Impacts, Processes and Reports

7 environmental footprints have been evaluated





Evaluated prints

Productive processes

Implemented Modules

More success stories




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